停车 Policy

Southern Crescent Technical College will not be responsible for any loss, 盗窃, 破坏公物, or damage incurred while parked on Southern Crescent Technical College property. 在十大网赌平台推荐内操作车辆的个人有责任了解并遵守所有停车规定. 在南新月职业技术学院的财产上操作车辆将被视为愿意接受和遵守所制定的规章制度的证明. 驾车者对车辆在学校内的操作和停放负全部责任.

南新月职业技术学院的政策是建立十大网赌平台推荐社区的规章制度,以确保机动车交通的有序流动, maximize available campus parking, and allow for safe and reasonable access to campus facilities. The college attempts to enforce these regulations consistently and fairly; however, the fact that a particular infraction goes undetected does not excuse other infractions. Infractions should be reported to a campus security officer. Inclement weather conditions do not alter any of the provisions of these regulations.

停车 Procedures

南新月技术学院负责建立和维护必要的标志和标记,以执行停车规定. Vehicles may be operated or parked on college property only in areas designated by signs, street markings, or the college map. 大学社区的所有成员必须接受遵守下列规章制度的义务. Please read carefully.

*Rules and regulations are subject to change and updates will be provided accordingly.

Rules and Regulations

How do I get a parking decal or Visitor parking permit

所有教师, 工作人员, 停放在十大网赌平台推荐内的学生车辆(包括摩托车和轻便摩托车)必须在开学第7个日历日前进行登记.

Required vehicle registration information and location:

  1. 名字
  2. Year, make, model, color
  3. Tag number and state
  4. Students register vehicle at cashier’s window
  5. Faculty and 工作人员 register vehicle with the Campus Security Office
  • 停车贴花必须在车辆外侧的左下方后挡风玻璃上清晰可见.
  • All motorcycles, 轻便摩托车, 摩托车必须将贴花永久贴在左前减震器上,以清晰可见的方式.
  • 通过经济发展部注册的指定专业课的学生将获得这些特定课程的临时停车许可证.
  • Temporary permits must be clearly displayed on the dashboard of the assigned vehicle.
  • Cost of replacement or additional decal is $5.00.
  • 任何车辆在十大网赌平台推荐内停放,没有张贴或临时停车许可证,将被罚款.
  • All parking is on a first-come basis unless otherwise stated.
  • 员工 are entitled to park in all parking areas except reserved and visitor spaces, 虽然, it is recommended employees park in the employee parking areas.

在哪里 can I Park Without Getting a Ticket?

  • 访客停车位不需要访客通行证,用于短期停车,不超过一小时. 访客通行证允许个人在接待客人的每个学院部门的常规空间中停放更长时间.
  • 停车 inside of the gated areas is strictly prohibited, unless otherwise stated. 任何未经授权而停放在这些区域内的车辆,将视情况被罚款或被移走,费用由车主承担(这将由警务处决定)。.
  • 残疾人停车许可证或牌照将允许任何符合条件的个人在残疾人停车位停车. 然而, 目前入学的学生必须完成学院的车辆登记过程,因为所有其他人.
  • 已根据《十大网赌平台推荐》的规定设立了残疾人专用停车场,并有清晰的标志.
  • Spaces that have been reserved for faculty and 工作人员 will be clearly marked.
  • 为游客保留的空间已经建立并明确标记.
  • Students are not authorized to park in visitor’s parking spaces under any circumstances.
  • 退伍军人专用停车场有清晰的标志,只有退伍军人可以使用,并出示相应的停车许可证.

Rules of the road on campus

The following practices are specifically prohibited:

  • 双排停车
  • 停车 on the left side of street facing traffic
  • 停车 over a white line or across the line indicating a parking space
  • 在草地、景观区、人行道或其他未指定为停车场的地方停车
  • 停车 in front of a driveway, 门口, 步骤, or in any manner that blocks traffic, parked vehicles or roadways, or hinders the passage of pedestrians or vehicles
  • 停车 in fire lanes, loading zones, tow-away zones and no parking zones
  • 在残疾人区停车,没有适当的标志, except for visitors, anywhere on the Southern Crescent Technical College campus
  • Reckless driving
  • Campus speed limit is 15 miles per hour

上课或约会迟到不构成违反停车规则的有效借口. These parking regulations, 以及所有适用的州和地方法律,包括但不限于有关停车标志和速度限制的法律, will be enforced by campus police/security officers.

Penalties or 什么’s this going to cost me?

未付停车罚单的学生会危及他们继续上课或重新入学的机会. The College will not issue transcripts until all outstanding fines and charges are paid.

Fines are as follows: $10.00 fine for each offence:

  • Not parked within painted lines or designated space
  • Parked along yellow curb (fire lane), tow-away zone, or loading zone
  • Parked beyond posted time limit
  • Parked on grass, curb, or illegally in road way
  • Parked in Faculty/Staff area without proper decal
  • Failure to register a vehicle or properly display decal
  • Parked in a College service vehicle space without proper decal
  • Parked in a reserved parking space without proper decal
  • Careless driving on campus
  • Driving a motor vehicle on lawn or walking service

$25.00 minimum fine:

  • 将车停在或阻塞残疾人专用空间可能会受到乔治亚州和当地法律的约束,导致更高的罚款
  • Parked in or blocking access to a visitor space

When will we tow your car

在学校内停放机动车辆,仅限于使用指定车位的访客和已正确登记车辆并出示有效停车贴的个人. All other vehicles will be considered illegally parked and will be fined $10.00 for the first offense.

第二次违反此违法行为可能导致暂停和/或拖走车辆,违规者承担费用. Disabled vehicles must be reported to the campus police/security officers immediately. 此类车辆必须在故障发生后24小时内进行维修,除非十大网赌平台推荐警察批准延长时间,否则有被拖走的风险.

*Fines listed are also subject to state and local laws.

什么 do we enforce

十大网赌平台推荐警察/保安人员执行所有州法律、地方法律和学校规章. All regulations and ordinances are enforced in a consistent manner without preference. 所有涉及十大网赌平台推荐内机动车辆的事故必须在事故发生时向十大网赌平台推荐警察/保安人员报告. 除澄清收费外,不得与开票人员讨论停车罚单. Issuing officers have no authority to rescind a ticket once issued.

How to pay fines

南新月职业技术学院的停车罚单必须在正常营业时间内到主楼的行政服务部(收银窗口)付款. 所有罚款应在发出之日起七(7)个日历日内支付.

How to appeal a parking ticket

If an individual wishes to appeal a parking ticket, 他/她必须在发出之日起七(7)个日历日内提交上诉信. 上诉信必须交回主楼的行政服务部(收银窗口). 上诉将由南新月技术学院设施和业务小组特设委员会听取.